
Hi, I’m Mohit Saini. I have worked on Embedded Systems, OS kernels, thread scheduling algorithms, micro controller with RISC-V architecture, Performance optimization at the level of nano seconds, C compiler for custom hardware targets, Build performance optimization.

I’ve been writing C++ code for 8+ years now. More than writing, I’m like deleting code. Overall I have deleted 2x amount of C++ code than what I have written in my life.

I do a lot of open source. Some of my best open source work are:

  1. CTwik - General Purpose Hot Patcher in a C++ process
  2. AParse - General purpose parser generator (More powerful than Antlr/Bison)
  3. Quick - Collection of highly usable C++ libraries
  4. lazy_map - std::unordered_map like interface but O(1) cost of copying



