How dare they say ++it is faster than it++

This is NOT true for the iterators of 100% of the STL containers - including the commonly used ones - std::vector, std::unordered_map, std::array, std::list, std::unordered_set, std::map, std::set, std::queue and ALL others.

This is obviously NOT true for primitive types. No explanation required.

This is NOT true for the iterators of 99.99999999% of the non-STL templated containers (custom implemented) ever written in the entire C++ world except those which were written for extremely specialized use case in which they couldn’t ensure TriviallyCopyable requirnment for iterator… but hey, for those super specialized 0.00000001% use case, they are not likely to support it++ anyway, so nothing to worry.

Why this discussion on the first place

Because of misleading information:

Misleading Posts

Why ++it performs identically to it++

because cost of copying a TriviallyCopyable object is ZERO if it’s unused later.

It’s NOT almost-zero. It’s absolute ZERO.


1). Compilers can figure out if it’s unused or not. It works in O1, O2 and O3 mode.

2). operator++ for templated iterator is inlined.

In this code:

struct R {

struct S {
  R* x;
  int y;

S Func1(S& s) {
  S s1_copy = s;
  return s1_copy;

S& Func2(S& s) {
  return s;


Func2(s) is NOT faster than Func1(s).

Let’s look at the machine code:

Let’s take an example of std::list:

int F3(const std::list<int>& v) {
    int output = 0;
    for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {
        output += *it;
    return output;

int G3(const std::list<int>& v) {
    int output = 0;
    for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
        output += *it;
    return output;

F3 and G3 differs only on it++ and ++it.

Here is the diff of their assembly code. There is absolutely no diff at all except their names F3 and G3.

Assembly diff

See the assembly code and diff yourself:

1). Post Increment

2). Pre Increment

3). The diff in assembly code:

A bit more complex case

Note: Passing non-TriviallyCopyable type to templated container won’t make it’s iterator non-TriviallyCopyable.

See example below for std::list<S>, std::set<S>, std::unordered_set<S>,

where S = std::vector<int>; (Non trivially copiable type)

1). Post Increment

2). Pre Increment

3). The diff in assembly code:

In this case also assembly code is same for it++ and ++it.

Should we prefer it++ over ++it ?

This article does NOT advocate usage of it++ over ++it.

I personally use ++it all the time.

This article only challenges the statement that ++it is faster than it++.

Written on June 1, 2022